Aaron Raymer [b. 1978, Louisville KY] earned a BFA in 2006 at University of Louisville, and a MFA in 2008 at New York University with full scholarship support at both institutions. He has shown in New York (Kate Werble Gallery), across the US Midwest and South, and in Santiago Chile in an exhibition curated by Sebastian Errazuriz. He has been interviewed and reviewed by the New York Times along with other publications. He spent 9 years in New York consulting, fabricating and working with galleries most notably Marian Goodman Gallery and art fairs, like Miami Basel, Frieze NY, and Frieze London to name a few. Raymer is a father, and has taught in the University of Louisville Hite Institute of Art + Design since 2017. He is represented by Garner Large and Garner Narrative in Louisville KY.
I am an interdisciplinary artist that makes conceptually driven work primarily focusing on sculpture and installation. The use of materials and techniques are determined by what I feel best conveys the concept or conceit of the work or series. This allows me freedom to experiment and not be constrained to one style or process. Given this, the aesthetic and experience of my complete body of work varies quite substantially from piece to piece and/or from series to series.Themes and concepts deal with a range of human experience from sociopolitical to personal interrogation with subjects including, but not limited to, ADHD, depression, anxiety, relationships, consumerism, health, masculinity.
While all of my work has a personal element or meaning to me, it is not necessary for me to convey ‘my’ specific meaning. Refraining from being too didactic, preachy, or on the nose allows the viewer to think and feel for themselves rather than being told how to think and feel. I simply try to engage the viewer and attempt to guide them in a certain direction by having an entry point that is relatable for everyone. That entry point may be craft and aesthetic, or it may be playfulness, humor and irony which are often employed as a device to lighten the delivery for a much heavier or deeper meaning and/or implication.